These ideas presented above by me are about London landmarks or things talked about within London which you see on a daily basis if you are from certain areas.
The Shard is a well known landmark in London as it is one of the tallest buildings across the city and is also well known for it's restaurant feature where many tourists and celebrities are seen eating out with friend or family.
You need to add to this post now with the work you have done for the Interactive London Map. The dates are on the diary sheet and you will need to include the key deadline dates set by yourself when starting off using the creative cycle words (analyse, investigate (research), planning, creating (making) and evaluation. There were some deadlines from Hato Press when I had to take the work along to them so show what the animations were about to be included on the map. What research did you do for example? How well were you able to do the animation, what influences did you have, were you using the 12 principles of animation to make the work better?