Tuesday, 30 January 2018

VFX Questions

What skills do you need to have to work as a 3D Animator?
What subjects could possibly help you become a 3D Artist?
What is a UI Artist?
Are the Producers the main people of any ongoing work?
What do you do as a Server Programmer?

Packaging Drawing

In today's lesson I went to get a box and draw what I saw which was the logo and the person on the front with a spoon in his hand eating Rice Krispies

This is the new piece I created using photoshop to colour in the boy on the front on the box using the colours that were relevant which in this case were yellow, brown and red.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Drawing Objects

I drew 2 Onions and 3 Apples which were laid out on the table. With a pencil lightly and carefully drawing the objects we were given to make sure I drew them to the best of my ability. I was carefully using the space around the page to make sure my drawings weren't too big and I made sure all the drawings were on fit on the page. I also tried accurately drawing the shape of both objects as perfectly as I could so my work would be drawn well enough. The quality of my line was lightly and delicately because I wanted to take time and make the drawing look less rough. Overall I think I did alright compared to how I normally draw as I'm not really talented in that department and exceeded the expectation I had of how it will look once it's finished. However I think I could improve the accuracy more and make it look more formed so it looks more realistic.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

2 Point Perspective

I firstly drew a border around the page. I then added a horizon line across the middle of the page and then put two vanishing points. A vertical line was then added above horizon line. I started drawing lines from vertical lines to the vanishing points and then drew another vertical line but this time it was below the horizon line and was connected to the vanishing point lines. 
After a few attempts I think I finally did everything right such as getting the vertical lines accurate and also after help from Steven to make it look more perfect.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

My Title Page

1. You initial thoughts about what you were asked to do.
I had thoughts of how creative could I be and would there be any boundaries of things we could draw but I also thought how would I draw things down as my drawing is not the best.

2. How well you engaged with the task.
I feel as if I engaged with the task better than I expected drawing images which looked decent in my eyes

3. What you think of your work. 
Came out better than I envisioned 

4. Suggestions about how you might improve the work.
I could add more colour and possibly a few more pictures to fill more of the paper